


The Stakers Union is governed by both subcommittee leaders and members. Members or leaders may submit proposals to change the protocol or governence process and all verified members may vote on these proposals.


The Stakers Union uses the Snapshot (opens in a new tab) platform to submit and vote on proposals. To submit a proposal, you must have an account on Snapshot.

Voting Requirements

Voting requires verified membership in the Stakers Union indicated by an address holding the Verified Member POAP (opens in a new tab). If you are a verified member and have not received a POAP, please contact thame.

Voting Rules

The voting period for each proposal is 7 days. Proposals have three voting options: For, Against, and Abstain. Proposals are decided by a simple majority vote and a quorum of 33% of verified members is required.


# Proposal Title
[Provide a concise and descriptive title for your proposal.]
## Summary
[Briefly describe the purpose and main points of the proposal. This section should be easy to understand at a glance.]
## Rationale
[Explain the reasoning behind the proposal. Why is this proposal necessary or beneficial for the Stakers Union? Include any relevant background information.]
## Specifications
[Detail the specific actions, changes, or implementations that the proposal entails. Include any relevant technical details, timelines, or steps required.]
## Implementation
[Outline how and when the proposal will be implemented if it passes. Include any milestones, responsible subcommittees, or resources needed.]
## Outcomes
[Describe the expected outcomes or results of the proposal. How will the Stakers Union and its members benefit from this proposal?]
## Additional Information
[Include any supporting documents, links, or references that voters may need to make an informed decision.]